Monday, July 7, 2008

Zimbabwe (Rhodesia) flag's official prayer.

I found a poster among my papers today and found I have forgottern how to copy to my blog. Originally, it was a full colour illustration "inserted on behalf of the Government" as Advertisement Supplement :The Sunday Mail - The Sunday News. September 2, 1979.

The advert was published on the day the Zimbabwe Rhodesia flag was raised on September 2 at thirteen centres throughout the country and six months before Zimbabwe's Independence was formally ushered in on April 18, 1980 . The "Rhodesia" bit was forever dropped but the colours remained the same and the design was varied to match the aspiration of a new Zimbabwe. Unhappily the message now is more true than ever - 28 years on on the accompanying logo "The people want peace - That is what the people want". This appears at the foot of every one of the full colour, A3 pages.

The expressions of great and good intentions advertised in the September poster show how tragically Zimbabweans were duped by Mugabe and his gang of political assassins and thieves into believing we would be well ruled after the liberation struggle was ended.

If I can master the technology I will copy another page of the advert in another blog. It tells us the meaning of the dumped flag's five colours:

GOLD for the bird of Gold that tells our country's wealth;
GREEN, our land that grows food for all and fulfils our needs;
BLACK that says the government belongs to the people;
WHITE that promises home for every minority and faith;
RED that speaks of our nation's sacrifices.

Only the black and the red now speak truth. Especially the red; the sacrifices are still being made while their true purpose has, since 2000 been utterly betrayed.

Copyright © 2004 Diana Mitchell

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Dianne, little did l know that the flag was a creation of the Mzorewa era, why l have always thought its a Zanu creation.
    Maybe l followed it blindly until the cry of the brethren became my cry as well.
    Keep the thoughts flowing please, so much is brought back in the open.
